Welcome to GTSeries1!
We’re the home for your high performance Porsche oil pumps!
We’ve been porting and polishing oil pumps for Porsches since 1981. Our pumps have seen service in Porsches competing at virtually every road race venue in the United States. Our pumps have shipped throughout the states in the USA & also shipped to Canada, France, Switzerland, Taiwan & United Kingdom and AUSTRALIA!!
Our pumps are used in: race cars, club cars and street use cars. The advantage is 20% or greater oil flow resulting in increased oil pressure both hot and cold.
We have expanded our services to include:

Distributor Rebuilding service:
- We service all 6 cylinder vehicles
- Single & Dual ignition
- Re-curving
- Includes new cap & rotor
- New resistor when required
- Units are drop-in ready
- Includes O-ring silicone for assembly

Chain Tensioner Rebuilding Service:
- Improved internal Viton O-Rings
- Internal polishing for longevity
- Improved internal oil for better lubrication and longevity